Creating a Game Catalog with Flask

A simple Flask project that displays information about video games, such as name, category, and console. It allows users to add or remove games from their own catalog and upload an image for each game. The project utilizes a local MySQL database to store data.

The project aims to demonstrate basic CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) using Flask and MySQL. Users can interact with the web application to manage their game catalog effectively.

The project focuses on the following:
- Learn to create a web application with Flask
- Make an elegant website using HTML and Bootstrap
- Create a login and authorization system
- Learn to define routes, redirects, and templates
- Create dynamic URLs
- Create a complete CRUD
- Use a database with MySQL and SQLAlchemy
- Create a file upload system
- Validate forms with Flask WTF
- Make the project more secure with Flask Bcrypt

Developed: nov, 2023

Published: jul 14, 2024